Making plans and setting goals is like second nature for me
if you were to see my plans or my goal list you would definitely say I’m crazy
or at least you would expect to meet a different me J but me being me my plans keep
changing because I keep going off track...even with my fitness/weight loss plan
you will find so many plans and so many goals..I have actually lost track.
There were times when I missed the gym because I thought it
would rain (I just needed an excuse), at times I would not eat
plan would go flying out of the window as long as I could get a new plan
and start fresh I always got back on track..
But this was not always the case, there used to be days when
I would make plans...mess them up and then cry over my mess. I would waste days
begin upset with myself, I would try and find somebody to blame...’it was not my fault everybody decided to go
out for dinner , they just don’t
understand’ or ‘it was not my fault I
had more work to finish’ . The blame game and crying would just pull me
back a if I had gained 1 pound for my could add another
2 pounds for the time I spent being upset. When I had no one else left to blame
and being upset with myself was not getting me anywhere I would get back to
making a new plan and then start my new plan from the beginning of the coming
week or maybe beginning of the coming month. Basically one small mistake of
mine would get dragged for over a week and one small pound would add up to a
few more, it was tragic!!!
So now what I do is I give myself a fixed time to be upset..I
can’t not be upset/angry with myself if I mess up so I usually give myself only
an hour to think about what went wrong and then I sit down and change my plan accordingly,
but my new plan always start as soon as I figure out I have messed up.
So now a days if I miss the gym...I cry for a bit, then
think about what I can do to improve my situation...usually I land up doing
some exercise video at home and increase 5 minutes of gym for the rest of the week..that way I cover my mess and I'm back on track...If I eat more, I think about how much more and then I either
increase my exercise for the week or I reduce my calorie intake for a day or
two this way I'm back on track and I don’t take a step back...instead I divert
a little and get back in line
I believe ‘It’s OK to
mess up as long as you are willing to start fresh as soon as you realise you have
messed up’ (the key words being 'willing' 'fresh' 'soon')
What do you do when you don't keep up with your plans? how do you get back on track?
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