Monday, 2 September 2013

New month, New plan

For me August was a trial and error month for all aspects of my life. I was trying to figure out how I wanted my career to shape, I was focusing on a lot of things I need to improve in life, deciding how to change, figuring out what has not worked for me and what works for me...lots of reading, basically August was a month full of self introspection and September is a month where I am going to put all this thinking to work.
In terms of my workouts and healthy eating, I usually managed 5 days a week workouts, but because I was trying new classes and running routes I did not have a very fixed plan, I think my focus was mainly on overcoming fears, learning new exercises though in the process I lost out on maintaining the same intensity.
Eating healthy went a little off track (there was one day when I had two soft serves..usually I have my frozen yoghurt, then on another occasion I had 2 slices of pizza usually I am good at avoiding this completely I think it was stress and too much thinking that left me with no food at home we landed up with a pizza) other than these two occasion I can’t think of anything else where I went overboard. I say off track because I wanted to start 95% healthy eating (I am scared to say 100%), I was good with my calorie count, my macro nutrient ratio but still not a 100% clean
this month I am putting my new plans to work, I have a detailed plan for my studies, my writing, my blog, my food and my workouts 

This month I am focusing on becoming more disciplined, I want to stop wasting time and start doing more. I have a very detailed plan for everything I want to accomplish this month so end of the month I am going to post a snapshot of how much I really did, another thing I want to do is get over a few of my irrational fears..I carry them around everywhere and they really  pull me down (I know they hold me back and like a fool I let them hold me back) I have list of things I have been avoiding because I’m scared hopefully end of this month I will be able to tell you all 'I did it!!! I pushed through my fear'

Keep Reading I will Keep Writing 


  1. Hi Tanvee!
    Good planning should help you! I myself am putting a new schedule together... my job is changing a little bit and I want to make sure I keep time slots for working out and prepping healthy food.
    Keep us posted! :-)

    1. planning is so important to me, good luck with your new job. I make very detailed plans..with time so I have no excuse :)

  2. Hi Tanvee! I love the simplicity of your plans. You're not over-doing anything by cooking complicated stuff or anything that will add additional stress. They are very doable.

    I also tend to have times when I eat a little pizza, but as long as it's not often, it can be worked into my plan. I try to make treats small. I have also had chocolate, but again--small portions. Because this is my fitness dream but it's also my daily reality. I want to eat: cheese and onion enchiladas, Indian buffet, pizza, and chocolate. I don't need to eat these things very often, but taking them out of my life 100% would be wrong too. Last year, I went to Indian buffet 5 times with my daughters. It is our main celebration place. There are only 2 restaurants I really ever eat at, averaging less than 1 time per month of eating out. And I always work treats into the weekly calorie budget. :D

    1. Simple is always the best way for me, this way I have no excuse about not being able to manage my plans, I was actually very upset about the pizza even though I was within my calorie count, I usually only eat one bite or two (not more) and I was so keen on getting to 100% clean but messed it up, started again this month :). We have stopped buffet completely, I can never eat that much, I still remember at university I would be so happy of days when we would plan to go for buffet but these days it has become a waste for me :)

  3. That's very detailed planning for food and exercise. But I didn't find either rice or roti or Curry's anywhere , is it OK? I too hope to do something like ur plan but scared as I have to depend on wife made food for me and for my 6 years kid, any suggestions?

    1. Hi Gopinath, I think as along as you eat all important nutrients (carbs, protien and healthy fat) everything is ok, roti and rice usually an option for carbs I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit which are also full of good carbs, that's how I maintain my portions
      When I go back home and my mom cooks food, I understand it would difficult for your wife to make seperate food for you and for the rest of the family. I usually ask my mom to add less oil, use olive oil or coconut oil in the food and also make changes to my plan for example I eat one roti for lunch and for dinner I stick to more daal, vegetables and some salad

  4. I really like your plan. You've got everything lined out in a way that looks achievable.
    I've also been trying to work out my schedule. I've got a rough outline done, but I haven't been able to plan a long-term one yet. I'm ok with taking it week by week though.
    Good luck :)
