Wednesday, 29 January 2014

2014 resolutions (Hope it's not too late) & 2013 short recap

Got married to the love of my life  (I think I am going to add a new wedding tab)
I discovered a new passion for fitness
I attended my first fitness class
I finally had the courage to start a blog
I had a very rough patch in between but I came out stronger with lessons I will use for the rest of my life
I made new friends in the gym :)
I started running outside
I joined a running club
I ran my first ever 10k race
I  made new blogging friends :)

(this must be the first time in my life where 'lose weight' is not one of my resolutions')
  1.  Face my fears  - (every month one thing & I will share it with all of you) 
  2. Get back to reading – (every month at least one non-fiction book and one fiction) 
  3. Give the exams I have been planning to for the past one year (this is actually one of my fears, I have prepared for these exams but never booked a date)
  4. Become a certified  PT(I really want to, I am looking into it ,what do you think?)
  5. Continue improving in my overall fitness (that means same or more effort, hard work, discipline & try new things )
What are your resolutions? how do you plan to stick to it?
Keep Reading I will Keep Writing 


  1. Hi Tanvee, I really didn't know that you started your blog last year! You must have started it just before I started reading it. It feels like we've known each other a loooong time! You've done remarkably this past year (which my mind insists was 2 years!) Just excellent. You're definitely going the right direction with great effort and lovely attitude. :D

  2. Hi Marion, my first post was on 5th jan 2013 :) and you were one of the first few people to visit and leave a usual thankyou for all the lovely things you say and your encouragement it means a lot to me

  3. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! When I read your blog and you share your life...I see a young couple destined for greatness:)

  4. Congrats on such a successful 2013! :) I have no doubt 2014 will be just as awesome, if not more. I think you should definitely go for becoming a PT. Your enthusiasm and passion for fitness is motivating -- it'll definitely be helpful to others.

    1. thank you Ayesha, I will surely write to you before I finalize the PT thing :) thank you for your support

  5. Congrats on your blogging anniversary. You had a busy and successful year! I hope 2014 is just as great for you.

    1. thank you :) I hope you have a wonderful year too

  6. :) happy blogversary. I love that this year your resolution is not to lose weight. I would say I am J. But I will not. Cos, I know the amount of blood, sweat and tears it takes.
    May you achieve all your goals.
    take care

    1. thank you Z, I am sure you will get there soon. Thank you for the good wishes :)

  7. Yes Tanvee, although I haven't been following you during all of your first year, I've enjoyed reading from when I first 'hopped' over and read your blog.

    Here's to another great years blogging, and may you achieve your goals, we look forward to sharing the year with you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan, I am so glad you enjoy reading my blog..I love seeing your comments :)

  8. Wow! Your blog is truly inspirational! I've spent the past couple of days reading a few of your posts and it's made me more determined than ever to lose the extra weight. Some of your posts about being overweight really resonates with how I am feeling right now. I hope I can be as successful as you. I must say that even at your heaviest, you carried your weight well.

    1. Hi N, I am so happy you find my story inspirational and you can relate to my stories..I am sure you will get to your goal...if you need any support you know where to find me :)
      thank you for commenting
