Thursday, 8 August 2013

Keeping it simple and real

This post is about two things that help me in my fitness process without getting frustrated or overwhelmed.
Keeping it simple:
If you Google weight-loss you will find loads of articles, if you look at the newspaper/magazine rack there will tones of health magazines available all with lots of suggestions, lots of ideas. For me this information overload is something that makes fitness sound more complicated than it actually is.  I know all of us are keen on doing the most effective workouts, we are always looking for the healthiest food option but I think it’s always good to keep it simple. Depending on your fitness level your simple will change.When you are just starting your journey it’s better to start with any activity you can do instead of wasting time trying to figure out which type of workout. I know it’s important to find something that works best for you but just adding some sort of activity can be a good start while doing your research. I feel once you are used to do some sort of workout then trying new/different workouts or training for something is a lot easier to manage. 
Even your food plan, why not start with just  avoiding junk food,  then move towards counting calories, reading labels and constantly improving your choices over time.
I feel if you take a step by step approach rather than jumping directly to something more complicated the change is not sudden so it is more manageable.

Keep it real: 
All of us have different schedules, different responsibilities just because somebody else can manage working out twice a day does not mean you have to make a similar plan, its always better to make a plan that you can stick to for long term instead of making a plan that is difficult for you to follow through because every time my plan fails I feel like I failed but sometimes it’s just that my plan was not good, I based my plan on something that I read in a magazine or heard about without thinking about how to fit in my life. I think its best to keep reality in mind when making a fitness plan, know how much time you have in a day, know your schedule, prioritise your day and decide your fitness plan so you can make sure you can continue your fitness journey for a life time. I'm not saying don't give importance to your workouts or your food all I am saying is make a plan that fits in your life rather than copying somebody else.
As you continue your fitness journey your simple and real both will change, you will be able to do more and managing a healthy lifestyle will become your second nature
Keep Reading I will Keep Writing 


  1. I suppose KISR (unless we say KISSER, lol) is not as catchy a spelling as KISS, but it certainly is a good plan for health :-)

    Well done!

    1. thank you Dr J, next time I will think of a catchy acronym might get more people interested ;)

  2. AMEN. When people feel like it's "all or nothing" it's too overwhelming, so it ends up ust being nothing. Steps are healthy - physically, mentally AND emotionally.

    1. For me all or nothing just does not work, I need to take one small step at a time :)

  3. Hi Tanvee! Great post! I couldn't agree more--especially about diet articles. Most of them just mess a person up. I'm still doing my "process" that people followed over 50 years ago except more protein and much less refined carbs. And it still works amazingly.

    I stick to the same basic set of exercises. I have a weekly routine that never gets changed too much.<<That helps me keep track of my progress better in my fitness journal. However, yes, sometimes, I've moved my workouts around family schedules. And I've not been worried when I miss a big day at the gym. It's happened before and it will happen again. Simple but flexible, as you describe, is key.

    :-) Marion

    1. Hi Marion, till now I have only focused on common sense and calorie counting, recently I started reading more about food, I find it interesting and some of it is very useful too but if I would have started with so much information I'm not sure I would evver start, like you I have been sticking to the same basic exercise while increasing intensity and adding weights, all basic stuff has helped me get to this point...just as you mentioned sticking to a routine while being slightly flexible is perfect :)

  4. Absolutely true! This is so, so important because there is so much information out there that only serves to confuse rather than light the way.

    1. Hi Diane, trust me if I would hae really got into just reading all that is available I would never start...

  5. For sure! Knowing what works for you can help you stick to your plan and really move forward with making progress instead of 'falling off the wagon' because you've taken on too much too quickly and/or set unrealistic goals.

    1. Hi A, I was so good at setting unrealistic goals, these were not related to how much weight I had to lose but how many hours I would workout in a day and most of times with work it would be impossible to stick to working out as much as I would plan. I would either get too tired to move or miss my workout either ways I would blame myself for being lazy when infact it was not about being lazy but more about not having the correct plan.

  6. For sure! Knowing what works for you can help you stick to your plan and really move forward with making progress instead of 'falling off the wagon' because you've taken on too much too quickly and/or set unrealistic goals.


  7. Good article, Did you know that most people are actually overweight because they are malnourished? Get the facts about fat and losing weight by visiting =>

  8. Totally agree. I was always an all or nothing gal. But I found that if I do the best that I can with what I have available then all is good.

    1. all or nothing never works for me..I always take small steps and make them work, then move ahead...
