Monday, 3 February 2014

Add a little jump

I am always looking at making my exercises a little more challenging. You can find so many ways of modifying an exercise. You can add weights, you can combine two exercises. One of the best ways to make an exercise difficult is to add a jump or a little hop wherever possible.  Adding a jump makes your exercises more dynamic which in turn burns more calories. To make it more challenging you can also use light weights with your jumps. Some of my favorite jumping exercises are:
(As usual the exercises have links for you to get an idea of the form
Do you add any jumps to any of your exercises?Which one was your favourite? I can never decide one favourite!!!!
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I would  like to point out I'm no fitness expert these are things I picked up along the way of my weight loss journey by surfing the internet and going for fitness classes.


  1. Hi Tanvee

    I've always liked skipping, guess it takes me back to school days and skipping in the playground with friends. It's something that you can do at your own pace, speed and fitness.

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan, I love jumping and hoping around too...every time I go back home you will always find me hoping around the entire house....I have no idea why but it makes me happy :)

  2. My workout today had lots of little extra jumps thrown in (usually during a squat or a lunge.) It sure makes a difference!

  3. I just went through Jillian Michael's 30DS for January, she has several jumping exercises in her routines. I like the jumping squat ones, but the jumping lunges, those are HARD! Anything with jumps does get the heart rate up though! I know not everyone can do high impact stuff, I'm happy that I'm at a place where I actually prefer it :)

    1. I find adding jumps to both squats and lunges it when the heart rate goes up and a simple exercise suddenly becomes difficult.

  4. Jumping is a good however if you have bad knees like me then you need to be careful of the jumps! I love your workout there though looks pretty intense, don't know if I have the courage to try lol!

    1. maybe you could add hop...but if it hurts your knees it's better to avoid than get injured...these workouts are tough :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Kyra, If I am not using heavy weights during my squats and lunge I am adding a does make a difference my thighs can always feel it ;)

  7. Hi Tanvee - I'm never been a jumper. However, in the DVD workouts I am currently involved with (P90X) once a week I do a 55 minute workout called plyometrics. It involves many of the exercises you listed above. Tony Horton calls it jump training.

    1. jump training that sounds perfect...I am going to go and look at a few more exercises, I will see if I can find Tony Horton's jump training exercises to add to my list

  8. Love supersets...these really make me work. I have been adding more jumps into things too. It really has taken me out of my comfort zone, which is a good thing.

    1. Hi Lynn, yes super-sets with jumps really works my thighs too. I always enjoyed jumping but never thought it could hurt my thighs so much, it's great that you get out of your comfort zone..that's the best thing to do to move forward

  9. I find jumping challenging, but I do try to incorporate jumps into my workout - from jump rope to jump squats and wherever else I can squeeze it in :)

    1. :) me too I have started to alternate my exercises to add a jump..whenever possible I will jump

  10. I cannot jump as my knee is not in the best of conditions, but thanks to you and all fitness blogger buddies I am getting there.

  11. Hi Tanvee, There are so many ways to make exercise variations. I've not been incorporating jumping due to bum knee, but I've been moving my yoga poses in different ways. A person should always remain open to trying a variation. Variations help protect joints by adding much more diversity in the workout.
