Thursday, 28 February 2013

Comfort Zone - Are you willing to let go?

For me trying to lose weight was a trial error process. All through the journey I made mistakes, learned from them and worked towards improving my weight loss plan. I think one of the reasons why I have had so many failed attempts was because I was not willing to leave my comfort zone.I was too comfortable to stop eating out, I did not want to get out of my comfort zone and cook food at home.  When I did start eating healthy my first step was eating healthy at work when I was surrounded by colleagues who also ate healthy basically my first step was to make a move that was the most comfortable choice for me.  I did not have to cook and I was surrounded people who were healthy eaters so no awkward stares/questions.
Being in my comfort zone has both worked for me and sometimes delayed my plan. It‘s good because when you are comfortable it’s easier to stick to a plan but when you are too comfortable  you just continue doing what you do and you are  stuck in the same state you really don’t move ahead do you?
I feel there has to be a balance, you can’t jump into the deep end and expect to be able to continue nor can be in shallow end and expect to improve; you have to have a float that helps you in the deep end :)
I realised I take a lot of time to leave my comfort zone and sometimes this wastes a lot of my days and energy. For example I waited till I was comfortable with myself before I entered the gym that was almost 1 year into my weight loss. In my mind I know I should have started earlier it would have helped but I was too scared to try something new, I went for my first group class only after I had reached my ideal weight, Now I love them and I know they are very effective, I only wish I had started earlier rather than later.
This happens to me in other aspects of my life also so this year for me is all about getting out of my comfort zone.Every time I leave my comfort zone I tell myself ‘ I’m only going to move forward, if something does go wrong I will always fall back into my comfort zone and if it works I will move ahead and have a new comfort zone.
What do you think? Does this happen to you? Or am I the only one?

Keep Reading I will Keep Writing 


  1. Hi Tanvee! You always have such great messages, and I really mean that.

    Yes, stepping backward back into the comfort zone is always an option, but usually once we are awakened by what's outside the comfort zone, we really don't want to go back. Still, nice to know it's there so we can be less afraid.

    :-) Marion

    1. Hi Marion, thank you for your appreciation :), just knowing that I can step back gives me the confidence to move ahead and once I step ahead I usually love it and there is no looking back :)

  2. Yes, yes, yes! You've hit the nail on the head. Leaving your comfort zone is really important. The great thing is, once you do it and start to see progress, you also build confidence ... and that just starts a positive spiral :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. :), it does give me a good confidence boost, you know the first time I went for my spin class I suddenly started entering the gym more confidently, I started feeling I was one of the fit people ;) you are right it definitely starts a positive spiral

  3. Oh yes - you've got to get out of your comfort zone a lot of times because that comfort zone is the what contributed to the problem in the first place.

    1. Hi Diane, yes getting too comfortable was my biggest problem.

  4. Great post! I still dwell in my comfort zone...starting to get the courage to venture out though.

    1. Hi Josee, Step out slowly, I'm sure you will love it. The first time before stepping out might me scary but once you are out trust me you get this positive proud feeling :) and you always have me here for any support you need :)

  5. It is definitely hard to get out of your comfort zone, but I've found once I step out, I'm glad I did! I love group fitness classes too, and I never thought I would until I finally tried it!

    1. Hi Katie, It is hard the first step is usually the worst but once I'm out everything suddenly changes, I'm happier and I usually end up feeling great about myself, group fitness classes was something I avoided for very long but once I started there was no looking back :) I love them so much that now I plan my life around my fitness classes ;)

  6. It's all about getting out of your comfort level. I was overweight and out of shape because it was comfortable eating pizza and sitting on the couch. Getting out of your comfort level is the only way to adapt and become stronger!

    1. Hi Joe,getting too comfortable with no exercise and eating junk was my biggest problem too. Leaving all that behind was like stepping into a new world but that was the only way to become fit :)

  7. Yeah, I have a friend who stayed out of our local gym for all sorts of "comfort" reasons. Then he needed to rehab a total knee replacement. He then realized the gym was not such a bad place and now goes there regularly!

  8. Hello Dr J, some people learn it the hard way.Even I was initially scared of the gym :) but now I'm in love with it.
